Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Kleptomaniac Cat

A cat burglar who stole 600 items over the past three years has been outed as an actual cat, after a night-vision camera was used to capture footage of the feline.

Residents in San Francisco had initially wondered what was happening when clothes, teddy-bears and other small items started disappearing.

But it soon became apparent the crook was a kleptomaniac kitty called Dusty who kept returning home with other peoples belongings.

After setting up night-vision camera they recorded footage of him going out under the cover of night and dragging back his loot.

Dusty has now become a star after appearing on the TV channel Animal Planet.


  1. I hope he's not gonna steal my teddy !
    very funny !!

  2. That is one awesome cat! I'd love to rub its belly. On the other hand...where the hell is my wallet?
