Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Purring Angels - Marguerite Vlielander

Purring Angels Book Description by Marguerite

Purring Angels, the book for cat-lovers

Cats are wonderful. We can learn so much from them.

In the first part of "Purring Angels" you will read all about my seven kitties: Daimke and Catje, who have had such a difficult start in their lives. Chummy, my golden eyed British Gentleman. Puddie, the eldest, writes beautiful letters with much wisdom to his pen friends. Donsje, the sweetest cat on earth becomes a real film star. Mickje who was thrown over the gate, thin and injured, learned how it is to be loved. Tommeke, my 'wild' Belgian Forest Cat who joins us later. He is incredible and he loves us with all his heart. Luckje who stayed only for a year.
I tell about stray cats and the good work the people who take care of them do. Just read what happened to Ophelia? Do you know the cat goddess Bastet and Saint Francis? There are wonderful poems and stories all over the book. The ones about the Rainbow Bridge give so much comfort.

In the second part of the book I tell about Anorexia. It was my animals who saved me by urging me to fight and eat. The next chapters deal with the upbringing of cats and include many interesting facts about cats. Read the lovely stories from the Cats Confidential Newsletter. I inserted quotations from the Bible and the Koran. FAB, the Feline Advisory Bureau allowed me to use their leaflets about feline diseases and hazardous plants.

My dear friend Anne Versteyne has illustrated this book with very charming drawings. She has also illustrated my previous books, and I am sure that the success of those books is partially due to her fine talent for drawing.

It is my profound wish that my book may contribute to the lessening of the distress cats suffer, by informing people so that they will better understand their cats and love them more.

Part of the proceeds of 'Purring Angels' will go to the Foundation Poezen­bel.

You can order Purring Angels through Trafford publishers

On our site you will read more about the book. If you live in Belgium or Holland you can order the book from me.